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现有产品创新研究多从用户、产品以及技术单一视角出发,然而,进入数字经济时代,在新一代信息技术驱动下,产品以用户、企业、环境多维互动的方式进行创新,呈现出特有的适应性创新特征。本文采取多案例研究方法,探讨在新一代信息技术驱动下产品适应性创新的特征和实现机制。研究发现:产品适应创新具有高频互动、即时反馈、快速适应性和用户主导创新四个显著特征,形成用户、企业、产品多方互动的适应性创新实现机制。与此同时,通过案例论证以产品、场景、用户为核心特征的产品适应创新实现机制的存在性,指出其本质是深入挖掘用户需求并实现用户需求的快速匹配。  相似文献   
目前我国农户的地权诉求已经发生了很大的变化,即由地权稳定、自主经营向农地资源的优化配置和高效利用转化。这一变化的内在动力是农户急切希望改变承包地过于细碎化以及改善农业生产经营基本条件。考察我国农地制度的发展史可以发现,我国农地制度变迁的基本逻辑就是农户的地权诉求决定农地制度的发展方向,这一点在当下一些地方的农地制度创新试验和经验中再次得到证明。今后我国农地制度创新必须遵循这一逻辑,根据我国农户地权诉求的变化,实施农户自愿前提下的承包地连片重划,争取国家对承包地重划制度的支持,强化农民集体民主决策制度,地方政府也要给予必要的支持。  相似文献   
人力资本外部性的存在具有重要的现实意义,它是政府进行教育投资和人力资本投资的重要决策依据.文章从工业企业生产率视角识别城市人力资本外部性,基于中国工业企业微观数据、人口普查分县资料和地级市统计数据,考虑城市人力资本变量的内生性后,采用两阶段最小二乘法,实证研究城市人力资本对工业企业生产率的影响.研究发现:在控制企业自身的人力资本后,城市大专以上学历人口占比越高,工业企业的产出越高,人力资本的溢出效应显著,且人力资本正外部性主要存在于人口规模300万以上的大城市.从工业内部看,行业内人力资本正外部性随城市规模扩大逐渐增强,而行业外人力资本正外部性随城市规模扩大逐渐减弱.从企业异质性看,高新技术企业、非国有企业和大企业从城市人力资本提高中获得的正向溢出效应更大.此外,城市外商直接投资和地方政府财政支出越高,地理区位距离港口越远,越不利于工业企业产出的提高.文章的研究结论表明增加人力资本投资,促进人力资本结构升级,发挥大城市人力资本溢出效应对新时期经济可持续增长尤为重要.  相似文献   
It has been demonstrated that sexual minority men (SMM) participate in sexting. While research has shown that engagement in the exchange of sexually explicit media is associated with poor health outcomes, no previous research has investigated its association with sleep health outcomes. This study sought to examine the association between sexually explicit media and sleep health among SMM, a population that suffers from poor sleep health. A popular geosocial networking application was used to recruit SMM individuals (N?=?580) in the Paris, France, metropolitan area. Multivariate analyses, adjusting for sociodemographics, were used to test the association between the frequency of sexually explicit messaging and three dimensions of sleep health: (1) sleep quality, (2) sleep duration, and (3) two aspects of sleep problems. In multivariate analyses, those who reported engaging in sexually explicit messaging more were more likely to report getting less than seven?hours of sleep (aRR = 1.24; 95% CI = 1.08, 1.43) compared with those who reported engaging in sexually explicit messaging less. No significant associations were found between sexting and sleep quality or reporting sleep problems. Sexually explicit messaging was associated with shorter sleep duration. Intervention targeted at individuals who sext could potentially improve sleep health outcomes.  相似文献   
当前国际教师教育改革转为以卓越为取向的发展趋势。我国台湾地区的"少子化"问题引发了该区域师资供需失调的矛盾,同时多元化的师资培育模式又导致教师素质不断下降。在此背景下,2006年我国台湾地区推行"卓越师资培育奖学金计划"。该计划旨在提升师资培育过程质量、加强绩效管理、建立完善的奖励与竞争机制,通过实现优胜劣汰来保障实施该计划的各院校取得成效。经过试行与正式实施,该计划的成效整体良好。"卓越师资培育奖学金计划"对新时代卓越教师培养具有一定的借鉴意义,如以奖励与竞争的方式优化卓越师资结构、建立卓越教师培养计划退场机制、改革高校教师教育培养模式,等等。  相似文献   
文章将房价对企业创新水平的影响归结为"成本效应"及"投资效应"两种影响机制,并分析了房地产价格、房产性投资行为、房产性投资的深化以及企业技术创新产出之间的关系。文章的创新之处在于,将创新要素投入和创新管理水平作为中介变量,从理论和实证两方面检验房价和创新产出的关系。基于提出的理论观点利用A股上市公司数据,对研究假设进行了实证研究,得到如下结论:房价对企业技术创新水平的影响机制至少是通过"成本效应"与"投资效应"两条渠道实现的;房价对企业技术创新水平的"成本效应"是通过技术创新投入作为中介对技术创新成果产生影响;房价对企业技术创新水平的"投资效应"是通过技术创新管理水平作为中介对技术创新成果产生影响;未能证实房产性投资会挤压上市公司技术创新投入。文章的研究结论具有以下重要政策启示意义:应当重视房地产价格对企业技术创新产出的"成本效应"。在新旧动能转换的背景下,创新人才的稀缺性提高了其在劳动力市场的议价能力,作为生活必需品的房屋价格上涨,会导致创新人才的劳动力价格随之上涨,这势必加大企业技术创新投入的负担,影响企业的转型升级和长期发展质量;A股企业的房地产投资并未挤压技术创新投入,但降低了企业创新的效率。在政策上,应当制定相关技术创新效率的考察指标,促进骨干型企业重视其创新效率的提升。  相似文献   
风险投资是推动“大众创业、万众创新”的新型金融工具和重要资本力量,对产业结构调整和经济转型具有重要作用。风险投资通过提供企业战略咨询、关键商业网络资源、人力资源管理以及监控活动等多方面支持影响被投资企业绩效。选取2010—2018年新三板844家获得风险投资和9 415家未获得风险投资的企业,通过风险投资机构的年龄、历史IPO数量以及累计退出金额衡量投资经验,检验风险投资机构的投资经验对新三板挂牌企业绩效的影响,并利用工具变量通过二阶段最小二乘法(2SLS)解决了模型的内生性问题。实证结果表明,风险投资对企业财务绩效和成长能力均呈现显著正向影响,且风险投资机构成立年份越久,在投资经验方面越丰富,对企业绩效正向影响越显著,同时,风险投资退出业绩越好,行业内对其能力的评价越高,越有利于为企业提供附加资源支持,从而提升企业业绩。  相似文献   
The 4-A Framework suggests that all inclusive education systems must be available, accessible, acceptable and adaptable. South Africa is committed to establishing an inclusive education system that does not exclude students with disabilities. South African university disability policies translate the imperatives of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities into institutional mandates that govern the implementation of inclusive education. The aim of this study was to determine to what extent disability policies at South African research-intensive universities addressed the markers contained in the 4-A Framework. The framework was reworked and operationalised for the higher education context, and expanded to include a fifth marker, namely affordability. A deductive thematic analysis, using a protocol based on the five markers, was used to analyse these policies. Results indicate that, of the five markers, affordability was not sufficiently addressed. Various disclaimers also limit policy provisions related to other markers.  相似文献   
Since the early 1990s, there has been investment in women's entrepreneurship policy (WEP) in Sweden, which continued until 2015. During the same period, Sweden assumed neoliberal policies that profoundly changed the position of women within the world of work and business. The goals for WEP changed as a result, from entrepreneurship as a way to create a more equal society, to the goal of unleashing women's entrepreneurial potential so they can contribute to economic growth. To better understand this shift we approach WEP as a neoliberal governmentality which offers women ‘entrepreneurial’ or ‘postfeminist’ subject positions. The analysis is inspired by political theorist Nancy Fraser who theorized the change as the displacement of socioeconomic redistribution in favour of cultural recognition, or identity politics. We use Fraser's concepts in a discourse analysis of Swedish WEP over two decades, identifying two distinct discourses and three discursive displacements. Whilst WEP initially gave precedence to a radical feminist discourse that called for women's collective action, this was replaced by a postfeminist neoliberal discourse that encouraged individual women to assume an entrepreneurial persona, start their own business, compete in the marketplace and contribute to economic growth. The result was the continued subordination of women business owners, but it also obscured or rendered structural problems/solutions, and collective feminist action, irrelevant.  相似文献   
任何理论的演化都无法脱离其所属的时代。马克思主义大众化的演化历程反映了马克思主义基本原理不断融入中国革命和改革开放实践的过程,马克思主义在中国的演化过程与中国的时代背景密切相关。马克思主义大众化是理论创新和实践创新不断结合的过程,包含着对理论与实践关系的理解,是指在国内外形势之下马克思主义由理论到实践、由书斋到世俗、由被少数人推崇到被人民群众所接受的历程。创新是马克思主义大众化和现代化建设实践相统一的基本途径,彰显了马克思主义演化过程中理论创新和实践创新的不断融合。在当代中国,从理论与实践的层面上分析马克思主义大众化何以可能的问题,对指导当代中国马克思主义创新有一定意义。  相似文献   
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